Learn botanical painting online


You can learn how to paint uplifting, beautiful watercolours...

My botanical credentials

Hello, I'm Anna and this is me proudly holding my RHS Gold Medal for botanical art.

Anna with gold medal

Winning this award changed things for me. A year after this photo was taken, I was able to quit my day job and become an artist full time.

I now teach my unique walercolour method to Nature Studio members, helping them to create vibrant, bold, high-impact botanical paintings with botanical accuracy.

A few more fun facts; I'm totally self-taught; I've had two books published; I'm a member of the Society of Botanical Artists; I'm a judge of international botanical art competitions; I've been a regular botanical art tutor at RHS Garden Wisley.

Let me help you get you on your way to your own botanical art Gold Medal!

You can try your hand at my painting method for free right now by taking my free full length class.

Botanical art classes - quality video tuition

My botanical art classes are available with Nature Studio membership. The tutorials are high quality, full-length video classes which range from Beginner to Pro experience level. Nature Studio is home to a global community of warm and friendly fellow botanical art students to connect with and support one another.

The online video classes break down the painting of each botanical subject into 4- 6 stages where I show you EXACTLY how to paint it. I offer botanical painting classes in leaves, fruit, flowers and vegetables and more.

Over the past 10 years, I've taught my method to well over 15,000 students worldwide and they've achieved phenomenal results.

Anna now offers botanical art courses online

Botanical art courses

As well as the botanical art video classes, Nature Studio also offers botanical art courses. These are a structured way for you to work through the video classes and develop your skills quickly - aimed at different levels including the complete beginner.

In Nature Studio's botanical painting courses, I emphasise working from photographs, which is my preferred method, and one that  saw me win my RHS Gold Medal. It’s a more modern and practical approach, but the painting techniques I use can just as well be applied to working from life.

More than just botanical

The painting skills I teach in my classes can apply just as well to detailed still life subjects so you’ll find some of those included with Nature Studio membership too, although the majority of video classes are botanical in subject matter.

Develop your passion!

You may want to take botanical painting classes online just for fun and for the joy of developing a new skill, but many Nature Studio members have also gone on to complete the SBA Diploma and to win their own medals at RHS botanical art competitions as well as teach for themselves - so it could even help you on your way to a new passion!

Make a start: take a FREE botanical painting class right now!

Take the first step today and try my free online botanical art class and paint yourself a pear in this full-length, step-by-step video tutorial. Click here to take your free class.

And click here to find out more about Nature Studio membership, see what members have to say about it, and if you feel inspired, join up!